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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Correctness: The Seventh 7 c's of Effective Communication’s

At the core of the correctness is the proper use of grammar, punctuations and spelling. A message may be perfect grammatically and mechanically but still insult or lose a customer.

Correctness comprises of the following points:

a. Using right level of language

There are different levels of languages which may be formal, informal, and substandard. Formal writings are usually associated with the scholarly writing, legal documents, and other documents where formality is the style in demand.


Formal and Informal Approach
  • More Formal: Participate. Less Formal: Join
  • More Formal: Interrogate. Less Formal: Question
More Acceptable and Substand
  • Substandard: Can’t hardly, More Acceptable: Can hardly
  • Substandard: Irregardless, More Acceptable: regardless
b. Checking accuracy of figures, facts, and words

Many a times it is impossible to convey the message directly from the sender’s head to the receivers head. So this can be done to an extent by including figures and facts like as follows:
  1. Verifying your statistical data
  2. Double-checking your totals
  3. Avoid guessing of laws that have an impact on sender or receiver
  4. Determine whether a fact have changed over a time.
Other factor is the inclusion of words that don’t confuse for example the following will help in clearing this topic.

Example 1: Accept-Except: Here accept means to receive and except means to omit.
Example 2: Biannually-Biennially: Biannually means 2 times a year and biennially mean every 2 years.

c. Maintaining acceptable writing mechanics

This topic relates to the proper use of words and spellings. But in today’s world writing have been more easier, since, spell-checkers and various kinds of word formatting's are available.